In 2016, Raul Mourão was invited to exhibit at the Brazilian Museum of Sculpture and Ecology (MuBE), in São Paulo. At the time, Cauê Alves had just taken over the artistic management and curatorship of the museum and he invited the artist to inaugurate a new phase of MuBE. The curator offered Mourão the institution’s main room and the external courtyard of the museum designed by Paulo Mendes da Rocha. For the exhibiton, Você Está Aqui, inaugurated in June of 2016, the artist created five kinetic sculptures, all original. At the time, Albano Afonso and Chiara Banfi were also showing work in other spaces of MuBE. Mourão used pipes and clamps in works that he defines as “pop-up sculptures”, pieces that are quicker to produce and assemble. Of different sizes, they were installed in such a way as to interact with the architecture of the museum. In the external courtyard, the artists installed the largest of them, entitled Cabeça vazia, morada do diabo – Empty Head, Dwelling Place of the Devil, whose movements, when activated by the spectator, passed so close to the building work that the sculpture almost touched the flagstones of the edifice.